Archive for the ‘ beer ’ Category

Moar Iron Man!

Since I watched Iron Man recently, I decided to go the whole 9 yards and watch the sequel as I enjoyed my next beer. It’s been a long time since I’ve had any reds, so I’m going to make an effort to drink some more reds and pass my opinions onto you.

Beer: Lucky 13

Brewery: Lagunitas

Style: Red Ale

ABV: 8.56%

Location: Petaluma, CA

Appearance: Very reddish amber with no head to speak of. This beer looks like it’s pretty viscous and not that carbonated.

Aroma: Grapefruit, pine, floral hops, and malt. I’m looking forward to this!

Taste: This is a stunning red ale. I can’t think of a red ale that I’ve had within the last few months that can hold a candle to this beer. Not as balanced as other good reds like cinder cone red, but I actually like this beer a little more.

Mouthfeel: Syrupy, but very smooth. The beer does leave a smooth feeling as it coats your mouth while you drink it.

Drinkability: Very enjoyable, and bold enough to be able to drink a lot without getting bored of it

Beer Advocate Grade: A-

My Grade: A-