Archive for May, 2015

Three Headed Hop Monster….

We found a place that still had a keg…..and it led to bad decisions, especially if you drink 3 glasses of it.


Probably a top 3 IPA for me, and it’s 9.5% ABV.


Fuck it, let’s get drunk.

3 glasses later…



I’m only slightly drunk now, let’s go home and keep going.


Oh yeah, this hits the spot, but that small bottle makes me feel inadequate…




Small bottle night

Sometimes, not everyone can man up and hang out, but small bottles were specifically designed by NASA to accommodate very small groups. Thank god for NASA.


Crooked Stave Hop Savant: Reminds me of Hose, with a more aggressive Brett profile. Really nice change of pace from all the Hose I’ve been drinking lately.


Crooked Stave Vieille: This winter version with Cranberry and spices is fantastic. Getting close to tasting like red hots, but doesn’t quite toe over the line. One of my favorite beers to dome solo.


de Garde Special Rouge: Holy shitballs Batman! There is an enormous amount of jam in this bottle. I could pour this sucker on cheesecake and be really happy. Wait, I should actually do that…

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If you go to de Garde once, might as well go again right?!

Yeah, we have problems.

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But that Imperial Cherry/Marion Bu is the shit.

More Tin Bucket

They are really kicking their own asses with all the events they are having around their anniversary. This particular day was a de Garde bottle release.



Gotta have a glass of Ching Ching when it’s on draft. 🙂


Wooo bottles! Aged in gin barrels if I’m not mistaken.

Colorado Love


My denver buddy is the best. Love that dude.

Trip to de Garde

Went out for the latest release, and it was nice and relaxed for the most part. Well done de Garde, well done.

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The winner: Imperial Purple Raz Bu, but the Boysen is right there, and will surpass Imperial Purple as it gets more funky and complex.

Tin Bucket

Dropped in to Tin Bucket’s vintage keg tapping. Did not leave disappointed.


Ballast Point Four Roses Victory at Sea: Best Ballast Point beer I’ve ever had. So ridiculously good, like chocolate milk!


Sante Adairus Stenciled Pages: Close, but not quite as good as Nonna’s #7, probably because this is an older bottle. Anyways, TICK!

True Detective

So, this show is not really conducive to drinking beer with friends. I need to watch this episode again and actually pay attention. Oh well, at least the beer was good!



De Garde Biere Noir: This beer is just fantastic. I am going to have to hold onto a bottle of this for a year or two and check in on it, really let that wild base beer shine through.


Upright Old Tom Blend: So, Upright makes the best gin barrel aged saisons. Period. Such a variant of a style.

I just want to go to sleep

But I can’t, there’s more beer to drink.


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Time to not drink for a few days.

No Rest for the Wicked

Well, maybe some rest, because I got a few hours of sleep before the marathon continued. Some people in the beer community opened a tap room in Oregon City recently, and hosted a bottle share to celebrate. If you’re ever in Oregon City, hit up Arch Bridge Taproom, it’s a great spot with a strong tap list!


De Garde Bu Weisse: A perfect way to ease my damaged liver into being a trooper.


De Garde The Lily: Oh dear, how this beer has developed since it was first released about 2 years ago. It was incredible fresh, then dropped off for a while, but this bottle and the last bottle I had have been absolutely incredible. If you can pony up to trade for one of these, do it, you will never regret it.


WTF is this?


Sante Adairius Nonna’s Blend #7: Is this better than Bernice? Yes. Is it better than Cellarman? Yes. Is it better than West Ashley? Yes. How about Flora? On par. I love this Nonna lady, she’s a wonderful person.


Side Project Brett Venture: I haven’t touched these beers in a long time, and I stand by my previous judgement: Pretty tasty, but super overhyped.


Oh, that’s quite a large bottle. I’m scared, so I’ll get back to this one.


Sante Adairius West Ashley: There we go, much less intimidating. I think this beer is from the same batch as the last bottle of West Ashley that I opened. It’s very good, but it doesn’t quite have that crazy wine and apricot flavor as the one I opened at John’s Market a few months ago.


De Garde Imperial Black Raz Bu: Yeah…..this beer is fucking incredible. Get in on that fruit bomb bandwagon!


Fantasy Factory IPA: I don’t even care what this beer tastes like. Best label ever.


Fremont Coffee & Cinnamon Abominable: This is better than Mother of All Storms. Jesus.


Against the Grain Bo & Luke: Apparently there are Bo & Luke variants, because this beer is smoked? Anyways, it’s really damn good, and isn’t overly smokey. I might have to track down the other variants, but I first have to figure out what those variants are…..