Archive for February, 2017

Better than Morning Delight


Bourbon County Vanilla Rye is currently drinking better than the most recent batch of Morning Delight. -_-

All of the berries


So “All of the berries” is what kegs of this beer were labeled as back in the day. How is this beer doing? Fucking fantastic. It has gotten more sour, but it’s so much funkier now, while maintaining the, “I’m going to stuff all the berries in the universe down your throat and you’re going to love it” feeling.

Mmmm forced fruitiness.

Broken liver gets kicked while its down



Maybe not that sorry, this beer is tits.

More American Solera


I honestly don’t remember what beer this is, but it tasted a lot like de Garde’s Cherry Gose, which itself taste like someone had made a diet Cantillon Kriek. Very tasty, and I really like the labels that American Solera uses. On the typical “buy your wine by judging label art” system, this gets a A.

Old Stout?


Deschutes The Abyss 2011: So this beer is old, and sadly, merely okay. 😦

Wait, one more whale.


Drie Fonteinen Oude Geuze Vintage 2007: My personal favorite of the big tasting that has made up the last few posts. This bottle did not have a synthetic cork that plagued most of the bottles from this year. Carbonated, but extraordinarily soft, hugely funky, with lots of citrus.

The Whales

Best beers of the tasting.


Toppling Goliath Assassin: Holy mother of barrel! Great viscosity, dark chocolate, huge roast and barrel notes, and not boozy.


Toppling Goliath Morning Delight: So, this is the third batch of Morning Delight and it is the worst one so far. The finish has something goofy going on with it. Previous batches used to finish with a nice sweet maple note, but this batch is bitter and thin. I wonder what happened?


Toppling Goliath Barrel Aged Chainsmoker: Really didn’t know anything about this beer, but it turned out to be my favorite of the three Toppling Goliath beers. Honestly, really not getting any smoke here, but it’s delicious anyway.

Other bottleshare beers…

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Yeah, these were pretty good. Best Great Notion IPA I’ve had so far, still don’t think they are worth the hype. Treehouse and Trillium FTW.

Reminds me of Prince

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de Garde The Purple: Batch 1 is on the left, batch two is one the right. I have to say that batch 1 is the far superior beer. It was always the jammier of the two, but now it has picked up some funk as well.

Pulling Nails


My friend recently had screws from his femur removed, and one of our friends decided this was an appropriate bottle to open at a stepped-up bottleshare during the week. I have to concur.