Beer Advocate Bottle Sharing Event

Holy robot jesus, turns out that a, a website dedicated to every man’s inner beer geek, organized a little bottle sharing event at Beer Mongers (a little bottle shop) in Portland. So obviously, I decided to grab a few beers and see this congregation of beer snobbishness for myself. I was not disappointed. A lot of my friends from college or otherwise know that I’m one of the biggest beer geeks that we know of, but I was out-gunned in every sense of the word. When you have a girl talking to you about how a the flavors in a DIPA fluctuate over time, you know that you are now in a different league.

I was well aware that I would be trying waaaaay to many beers in quick succession (aka a million billion beers in 4.5 hours), I decided to not bother with the normal reviews I write and instead just subject all of you to some beer porn.


A metric fuckton of beer, ranging to relatively special to “how did you manage to find a bottle” amazing.

Cherry Adam from the Wood. Regular Adam + lots of cherries + oak barrels

Bottle 11 of 144?! And I thought Eclipse 50/50s were rare

Shoeshoe Ale, a beer that I received in a trade from TallPaul07 (BeerAdvocate user)

A Bruery limited release beer, I had no idea it even existed. Whatever, it was amazing anyway.

Dragon’s Milk?! In barrels? You had me at the Game of Thrones reference!

Lake Erie Monster: As close to Hop Slam as you can get.   Captain Lawrence: delicious sour beer (Jason McClain…get this beer.)

Lost Abbey Veritas Ale: I didn’t know a sour that was more tart than Cascade’s Kriek was possible. I now stand corrected.

Another Bruery limited release beer: I didn’t like this one.

Note to self: Barrel aged saisons are delicious. Drink more of them in the future

Hmm. Another Bruery limited release?! No wai! This one was amazing, one of the highlights of the afternoon

Who knew that a Pennsylvania beer would follow me from Bucknell?

Like all Brooklyn beers, this one is pretty good, but nothing special

The most raspberry tasting beer in the history of the entire world and galaxy. New Glarus raspberry tart isn’t even close

I don’t even remember what this one tasted like. Whoops.

Old dude on a bottle? Amazing. Best brown ale I’ve ever had. Didn’t even taste like vinegar and rusty nails! Huzzah!

This one was only okay…

A beer from Bullfrog?! This brewery is only 20 minutes from where I went to school! I didn’t even know that they bottled beer. It turns out that they make great wild ales

This beer sucked. Drinker beware

Delicious beer and my first brew from Jackie O’s. Note: All people from Kentucky look like this.

Amazing barleywine. Buy some of this and drink it. Immediately

Great beer, but at this point my tastebuds had already died.

The last limited release Bruery beer. More bourbon than Goose Island Bourbon County Stout. Well done Bruery. Well Done

2011 Dark Lord. Delicious, and shows promise. Could be better than 2010 Dark Lord after some aging

I had no idea that Churchill would be so carbonated and taste so strongly of coffee

A great barleywine, but I prefer mine to still have some hop flavor left to them

A great beer from Laurelwood. It also weighed at least 4 pounds

I loved this beer. Nuff said.

Barrel aged BORIS is incredibly tasty, and apparently only costs around $10 for the locals!



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