My Favorite HotD Beer

Last year I got a case of Bourbon Fred from the Wood. It was really good, and already vying for the top spot of HotD beers for me. However, it had a few flaws. It was slightly too sweet and was not carbonated in the slightest.

Things have been fixed this time around. (not my first bottle, but I was too busy enjoying the beer and forgot to write a review)

Carbonation bitches!

Beer: Bourbon Fred from the Wood

Brewery: Hair of the Dog

Style: American Strong Ale

ABV: 12%

Location: Portland, OR

Appearance: Orange brownish, with about one and a half fingers of head. Fantastic retention, it’s almost as if this year’s beer wants to prove to all the haters that this beer can be carbonated.

Aroma: Jeeezus. Caramel, bourbon, vanilla, and some oak. Tiny bits of citrus hops on the back end, but it’s entirely possible that I’m just making that part up.

Taste: Flavor echoes the nose of this beer. Huge bourbon presence when cold but I get a ton of maple flavor once the beer hits room temperature. It’s freaking awesome. Hides the 12% really, really well.

Mouthfeel: Big, full-bodied, with moderate carbonation. Kind of oily, by that I mean this beer simply coats your entire mouth in bourbony goodness.

Drinkability: Don’t drink more than 1 of these at a time. It’s too big of a beer to session. That and you’d be dead from blood alcohol poisoning.

Beer Advocate Grade: B+ (86) This score is for last year’s batch.

My Grade: A+

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