Posts Tagged ‘ Dialed In w Gevertz & Chardonnay ’

Brews for New Avenues

One week late, but I’m finally sober enough to write about the main event at Brews for New Avenues.


However, things got pretty insane after Oysters and Geuze, so I was definitely riding the struggle bus.





Incredibly seriously.


A few moments of rest before I was assigned to help source water coolers for the event. Turns out the vendor who was going to bring water coolers fell through…jerks.


Okay, with nap time over, it was time to begin!

VIP members got stemware, bid numbers, tokens, a bumper sticker, and a T-shirt.


Some crazy stuff available at auction! I did not get a chance to take photos of the other two bottles in this set…


People were waiting in line for this keg, so I figured I would do the same.



It wasn’t long before I was put to work.


Yep, back to oyster duty.


It certainly had its perks though!


Work work work work work.


Hey look! People that were at my house the previous night! They are pretty cool people. Don’t mine Anne in the left photo, she’s just jealous.


Another year, another great event! Almost $240,000 raised for at risk youth! Can’t wait for the next one!


I did win a bottle from the auction, but that’s another post.